Twitter gets better with Lists

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Twitter got even more better with  the lists feature that was introduced to almost all the users today.

For those who don’t know what it is you are at the right place :D
With Lists you can create lists of twitter users for others to follow or even for yourself. for eg. I create a list of Twitter users from Mumbai, with this I can get all their updates at one place and other users get a ready made list of users for them to follow all at once! You can create upto 20 lists each having upto 500 twitter users. you can recommend your followers or the tweeps you follow with lists thus making #followfriday even more smarter and easier, as other tweeple can directly follow an entire list of users instead of following them one by one, also saves your time to mention users one by one. Also on your profile or home page you might have seen this:
3list “10 listed” in this case.. This means you have been listed in 10 lists by other users… by click on them you get a summary of which user has added you in their list. cool eh?

To create lists:
1. Goto and on the right hand side you will see this
2. Then all you have to do is give a name to you list and then add the tweeps by either searching for their names OR by going to your followers list and then clicking adding them to the created lists from the options next to their usernames
2list there and your done!

I have created these lists:
1. Music Recos : Get Music recos from these tweeple who have an awesome taste of music on #musicmonday
2. Formula One : Get full formula one race coverage during Grand Prix from these tweeps
3. Cool tweeps : Really cool tweeple should follow them
4. Must Follow : as the name suggests, you MUST follow them :D
5. Awesome Mumbaikars : List of all the Awesome tweeps from Mumbai
6. Cool techies : List of all the techies.They will surely help you with your PC, or mobile phone probs etc.
7. Friendly tweeps : And with these tweeps you will never ever feel lonely when they’re on twitter.

So go ahead and check these lists and create your own! What do you think of this new feature?

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